I started using distilled white vinegar in my laundry when I was learning how to wash cloth diapers. I fill a Downy ball 1/2 to 2/3 full and toss it in to make the diapers softer and reduce static cling. I have to admit, the first time I tried it I was convinced my diapers would come out smelling horrible. But they didn’t! Some use an extra rinse to make sure the vinegar smell doesn’t linger but I have never had to.

I still didn’t have the nerve to use it in my normal laundry.

Until I recently ran out of fabric softener. Suddenly I had the motivation. And guess what? My clothes may not smell like a fresh mountain river, but the vinegar sure does just about everything else.

From www.vinegartips.com:

Add about 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar to the last rinse. The acid in white distilled vinegar is too mild to harm fabrics, yet strong enough to dissolve the alkalies in soaps and detergents. Besides removing soap, white distilled vinegar prevents yellowing, acts as a fabric softener and static cling reducer, and attacks mold and mildew.

I had mentioned before that I make my own laundry soap. I also mentioned that I found out that the particular recipe I use can leave build-up on clothes and in the washing machine.

Well, guess what? Vinegar removes build-up, whereas fabric softener is more prone to leave build-up. Maybe I won’t have to quit using my homemade detergent after all.

More frugal tips conveniently located here.