To those of you who have expressed your desire to play my Frugal Amish Game by making your own laundry detergent, I present to you this recent post by the inventor of said detergent.

I have not noticed the buildup on anything except the diapers (it made them waterproof – not a good quality in diapers!). So I am now exclusively using regular detergent on them, but still using the homemade detergent on my clothes. This is what I think I will do: When I start to notice the buildup, I will start alternating, one wash with regular detergent, the next with homemade. Both clean the clothes fine; one just happens to leave soap residue behind due to the hardness of the water and the kind of soap used. I figure the regular detergent will wash away the homemade degergent’s residue.

I wish I could find a kind of soap that doesn’t cause buildup. What do the Tide manufacturers use?

So I will still be saving money, just not as much.

P.S. Supposedly, if you have soft water, you’re fine. Anybody out there use homemade detergent with soft water?