So we’ve been here over a week, and life is still pretty much crazy.  So crazy that it took TWO DAYS after I got internet to blog for you guys.

We’re slowly adding the appliances to this place that we want to make our lives as easy as possible.  Our first purchase was the water softener because this place has an AMAZING amount of rust.  My fingernails were turning orange.

And that would be because they are constantly emerged in dishwater.

Because, see, another purchase we would like to make is a portable dishwasher.  But no one on Craigslist is willing to part wth theirs.  And a new one is more expensive that we’d like.  Josh toyed with the idea of buying a used regular dishwasher (a few people will part with theirs, becuase they’re the fancy type who upgrade to stainless steel) but a look under the kitchen sink made him rethink that idea.  The pipes are not as friendly as they were at our last apartment.

But honestly, I’d rather buy a DRYER than a dishwasher right now.

So that’s what’s keeping my busy right now – handwashing dishes, hanging load after load of laundry (I AM allowed a clothesline here, at least), and, of course, sweeping, sweeping, sweeping the hardwood floors.  Starry-eyed as I was about these beautiful floors, I had no idea the dust that accumulated so quickly!  Thankfully, the kids love pushing around the dustmop.  So that helps.

Oh, and did I mention the unpacking of the boxes?  There’s a bit of that left to do, as well.  The walls are bare, the windows are un-curtained (because I’ve yet to buy the sewing machine (wanted appliance #4) to make them), and boxes are still piled in the garage and living room.

But at least our internet is mobile again – I went to Best Buy yesterday and purchased me a wireless router (wanted appliance #5) so I can take the internet out of the back bedroom via laptop.  Because honestly, it is not healthy for the kids if I am constantly twittering, IMing, blogging back here while they have the run of the house out there.  Not healthy at all.  And I’m speaking of physical health here.

So, the blogging will increase as the other to-do list decreases.

In the meantime, I’ve been wondering recently, what would you like to see more of here at The Natural Mommy?  News and thoughts on natural living?  Updates and anecdotes on daily life?  Pictures of my wee ones?  That will help me break the bloggy silence more easily if I know what to write!

And, plus, I’ll have fun reading all your comments while I’m working away over here!