1. We have a loan on the house.  30 years at 6% with 3% down and thus, also PMI.  But it fits in the budget.  It also goes against anything I’ve ever learned about buying a home, but Josh has convinced me that when you plan to sell the home 3 years after buying, it is better to put AS LITTLE money down as possible.
  2. Inspection on the house is tomorrow at 2pm.
  3. Closing date is June 26.
  4. Olivia is still in diapers.  Every now and then we try the underwear thing.  We even try the maybe-if-she’s-naked-she-won’t-pee-everywhere approach.  (Because, really, that’s just so messy!  And Olivia can be very easily grossed out.)  However, we learned quickly that she has no aversion to pooping while naked.  That made for some not-so-lovely surprises.
  5. Benjamin is still in our bed and is back to nursing through the night.  After being out of Church nursery since his RSV experience, we put him back after some particularly rowdy behavior.  He immediately came down with some serious mucous issues.  Dripping nose, hacking cough, and, of course, little-to-no sleeping.  So I nursed him back to health (a 24/hr/day job, don’tcha know?) and we’ll have to do the night-weaning thing all over again.
  6. The pregnancy is going really well.  For about a week I was still unconvinced I was really and truly even pregnant.  Then I started peeing every hour on the hour.  And I am now convinced.  And really, it’s the most preferrable side effect of the bunch, so I’m pretty glad it’s the one I got. 
  7. I (with the help of a friend) found a midwife that will travel to my area!  And also found out I am NOT covered by Josh’s insurance.  They have neglected to bill us for the past, oh, eight months?  It was supposed to be a quarterly billing, so we didn’t notice until recently.  “Hey, why is all this extra money in our savings?”  “Oooohh, shoot.  I’m not insured anymore, am I?”  And now I have a “pre-existing condition.”  So it looks like it’ll be another Medicaid pregnancy.  And Josh is doubtful that midwives take Medicaid patients.  We’ll see.
  8. Benjamin has, on more than one occasion, climbed up on the dining room table to play in the butter.
  9. I showed Olivia a lentil and told her that’s how big the baby in my belly was.  She just stared and stared.  I asked if she wanted to hold it.  She very excitedly took it in her hand and cradled it so sweetly!
  10. I think it’s a girl.
  11. Josh thinks it’s a boy.
  12. I think I want to be surprised this time.
  13. It is impossible to convince WordPress to put spaces between my listed updates.