However, with our budget, I don’t get to do so very often.

So when the pediatrician told us this morning that Benjamin has officially outgrown the car seat, my heart did a little dance.

Yay. I get to shop. Doctor’s orders.

But, yes, in case you were adding up the months on your fingers, he is only four months old. And he is too big for the same car seat Olivia rode in for her entire first year of life.

He is now 26 inches long (our car seat only goes up to 26 inches).
He is 16 lbs 6.6 ounces. Yeah, I gave that number a weird look too. He was wearing socks. Let’s blame the socks.
His head is 17 inches.
90th percentile. In all three categories. Perfectly proportionate. Again.

The doctor is very impressed with him. Aren’t we all?

Now to begin that wonderful search for the best convertible car seat our money can buy…

But not before I leave you with this:

Our Big Baby in his swing, laden with books that his older sister so graciously bestowed upon him. Yum.