I just don’t get it.

Let me explain our furniture situation:

We have one pull-out sofa and one loveseat. The pull-out has mold on the mattress ever since it spent last summer in storage. And let’s not forget it was designed to be in-style in the height of the mustard-yellow, rusty orange, olive-green phase of the 70’s.

The loveseat is extremely comfortable. It is also missing approximately 30% of its fabric. Bright yellow stuffing is popping sporadically through the thinning paisley fabric. Nobody knows this due to the homemade slip cover that I spend most my life rearranging it so that nobody will ever know this.

A friend from Indianapolis recently offered us a matching set of couches that had fallen into her hands. Matching furniture? I thought I would have to wait at least five more years for such a luxury! I even got a picture from her, which confirmed not only that they do, indeed, match, but also have no rips, stains, or mold! Excitedly I proclaim to Josh this good news, expecting a joyous reaction.

And I am met with hesitation. Worse than that. Downright unwillingness to part with our current couches. “What if they’re not as comfortable?”

Um… they have mold. I’ve heard that’s not-so-good for children and infants.

Months later I have finally arranged for the couches to be transported to our apartment. So I put our current couches up on FreeCycle. I told Josh the news this morning, again expecting a good reaction, since that means if I can get someone to take them, then we don’t have to worry about getting rid of them ourselves.

Nope. Still unsure that we are, in fact, getting a better deal with these unmoldy, intact couches.

Sigh. We’ll see tomorrow when he meets them in person if he will be willing to break up with the loves of his living room.