This weekend, we went back to our home-state, Illinois, for a friend’s wedding. It was great to see high school friends again and compare pictures of our children. (I’m winning; I had the most (children and pictures)).

The whole family was invited to the wedding, but we made arrangements for Olivia to stay with Josh’s grandma. We’ve seen her at weddings before, and it’s just not pretty. Well, that’s not true. She’s gorgeous. Let’s just say she takes too much attention away from the bride and groom. We planned on Benjamin coming to the wedding, but the not the “Adult Reception” that followed. This was the first “Adult Reception” we had ever been invited to and we were a bit confused. Why would anyone not want to see my beautiful children? Don’t they amuse you when they run crazy through adult legs? And spit up on your wedding dress? And break all your dainty table settings? And cry because the party extends hours past bedtime? And smear cake frosting on every surface their sweet little hands can reach? And refuse to eat the $15/plate meal you paid for?


So, to prepare Benjamin for his first-ever babysitting experience, we gave him his first bottle last week. He didn’t quite know what to do with it at first. He wouldn’t drink it when Josh tried, but consented when I took over a little later. And that was his only bottle experience. Perhaps we should have done more, but as any nursing mother knows, pumped milk is white gold. I was saving every drop for the babysitter.

And so, a couple hours into the reception, I got the phone call. He wouldn’t take the bottle. And after discussing transportation options, I found I couldn’t take the car to go home to him without also taking Josh. And Josh was a groomsman. And the party had really just begun.

So he was driven forty minutes to be reunited with his mommy. He crashed the “Adult Reception.”

Has anyone else had this experience of bottle-refusal? Is there hope to break it? Do I have to wait until he’s eating solids before we can be separated again? Olivia would eat anything you stuck in her mouth, so this is new to us.