Well, the craziness of the past two weeks is over.  Perhaps I should start blogging again?  Honestly, Between Valentine’s day and this past Sunday, the kids saw Josh that first Monday, the following Friday, Sunday morning for church, Wednesday, Friday again, and then Saturday night for a birthday party.  He was trying to get a paper written that would have been due today.  But apparently the results weren’t what he wanted so, no, he won’t be submitting that for the conference in Spain.  But he does get to put all that work towards his prelims!

In other news, I have a lump under my arm.  I know that’s exactly why you come here, to hear what strange lumps are forming and so that is what I’m giving you.  🙂  It’s been there a few months but it’s starting to hurt so I’m getting it removed on Thursday.  I’m rather proud of myself; this is the first non-pregnancy-related doctor appointment I’ve made for myself… ever.  But as much as I prefer to “tough it out,” I draw the line at performing lumpectomies on myself.  Although I did briefly entertain the notion.

And, because I feel this post needs one more paragraph… [insert pause to remove a bottle of white-out from a ukulele] … I’ve been training my children to flatter me… is that wrong?  Yesterday in the Walmart checkout line, they asked for a Tic Tac from my purse.  I said, “Say ‘Please’,” they obeyed.  I said, “Say ‘I love you’,” they obeyed.  I said, “Say ‘Gosh, you look gorgeous today’,” they looked at me like I was nuts.  But the cashier cracked up, and it always satisfies to bring joy to a Walmart cashier.

I must tend to the children now, because I guess that’s my job around here and obviously my thoughts aren’t very coherent while they are running around unattended.


And then I found a dollar.

The end.