Yesterday, I was a horrible Mommy.  Yesterday, I had horrible children.

And I was so mad at God about it, I didn’t speak to Him all day.

He kept trying to talk to me.  But I turned a cold shoulder.

He can do all things, why wasn’t He making me a better Mommy?  Why wasn’t He making my children better children?

I was miserable and distracted myself with the Internet.  Breaking the promise I’d made to stay offline until my Bible was read.

The day was over; I took two Tylenol and went to bed.

I woke up this morning.  Josh had already left.  The children were already awake.  I took no shower and ate breakfast while feeding three other mouths as well.  My headache echoed dimly in the recesses of my skull.

But I didn’t want yesterday.  Yesterday was a cold, horrible day, distant from God.  I kept my laptop off.   I took whatever uninterrupted time I could get (in groups of 3-5 minutes) and read two chapters in Luke.

I prayed for my children.  I prayed for myself.

And suddenly, my children don’t seem so horrible.

Did they change?  Did I change?  Did God give me His eyes through which to see them?

I’m not sure.  But I know this now:

God can do all things, but He prefers I do them through Him.