I wrote this post awhile ago, but got so caught up in Baking Day, I kept postponing it.  And after Baking Day, I was amazed at how easy and fun it was to accomplish things live with you all on twitter!  And now I want to do a Craft Day!

Who else is making Christmas presents this year and wants to live-blog and tweet their progress?  It’ll be fun!  Mark your calendars; Craft Day will take place in two sessions.  November 17 & 18, and December 15 & 16.  (Exactly two weeks after this past Baking Day and two weeks before the next one!)  I’ve been trying to talk it up on twitter (I’m thenaturalmommy); look for #craftday to see who else is in!  Will you be there?!


So, being all frugal again and all, I’ve decided to make most of our Christmas presents this year.  I’ve got uber-cute remnant fabric stockpiled in the corner of the kitchen and visions of Etsy-worthy gifts swimming in my head.  I thought I’d share my aspirations in hopes that the crafty among you might have tips/advice/you-tube how-to videos to share.

For Olivia, I’d like to make:

  • an apron
  • baby doll clothes
  • more baby doll diapers
  • build-a-bear clothes
  • princess crown/tiara
  • felt play food (possibly a combined gift for her and Benjamin)

For Benjamin, I’d like to make

  • a superhero cape
  • possibly also a superhero mask
  • a masculine apron 🙂
  • some type of wooden thing that either throws or shoots other wooden things.  I’ve assigned this to Josh.
  • build-a-bear clothes
  • doctor dress up outfit (I have the light green material already)

For Levi, I’d like to make:

  • Possibly a stuffed animal?  I have leftover stuffing from Benjamin’s spider costume.
  • a wooden teether (also assigned to Josh as I don’t mess with power tools.)

I start hyperventilating, however, when I try to figure out when, exactly, I’m going to have the time to do all this.  I may have to start getting up earlier. Gasp.

So there you have it.  Opening up the forums for all kinds of helpful advice starting… NOW.  🙂