Sometimes I forget that this thing inside of me is more than just elbows and knees.

Sometimes it catches me off-guard when I caress a protruding appendage and I realize that attached to it is a cute little baby bottom.  That would fit in the palm of my hand.  And further up is an adorably plump baby chest.  With just the right about of squishiness.  And just inches up from that is the round, expressive face that I will memorize.  A mouth that will smile and coo, eyes that will have us guessing their color for months, hair that will be dark at first – but will it stay, like mine?

So many questions about this little gift.  Will you be a Levi or an Evelyn?  Will you scream at the world as it drastically changes from what you’ve been used to for the past nine months?  Or will you passively take it all in, observing and accepting.  Will you come today?  Tomorrow?  Next week?  Quickly?  Slowly?  Will you love your big sister and accept her as your second Mommy?  Will you look up to your big brother and play his games?  Will you recognize your Daddy’s voice and realize the safety and security that it brings?

You are so close to me – you couldn’t get closer – yet I know so little about you.

I can’t wait for the day when I can fit your tiny body in the crook of my arm and finally look you in your eyes and tell you how much I love you.