I’ve already established that we have a climber. And it was really only a matter of time before he made his way onto the dining room table. And into the butter. And salt. And napkins.

We tried to deter him by pushing all the chairs in, but this did not work for the following reasons:

  1. All he needed was a couple inches and he could worm his way up through an apparently pushed-in chair
  2. If he couldn’t worm his way up, he would repeatedly bang his head on the underside of the table. Repeatedly. Until he cried.

So we have resorted to turning all the chairs out so that the backs face the table. It’s not the prettiest and it takes up a whole lot more space in our tiny dining room, but it works for me. So far, at least. Because, as of yet, he cannot climb up the backs of the chairs.

As of yet.