… And You Continue To Not Succeed…

Take a break.

We are officially back in diapers.

The cues I am waiting for before we start up again:

  1. Tells me when she’s gone potty (in her diaper).
  2. Tells me when she needs to go potty.
  3. Tells me she wants to go potty.

In my conclusive study of potty-training, it seems these three aspects just might be critical to the whole process.

(She is currently unable to complete any of the three aspects. She has never accomplished #1or #2. She will never voluntarily come up to me and state that she needs to go potty.  Or that she needs a diaper change. Number three was the only one she ever any good at, however, “wanting to go potty” is a fickle emotion with a 2 year old, and lately that emotion’s been MIA.)

*Edited to add:  And not five minutes after I clicked “publish,” I opened Olivia’s door to check on her.  The first words out of her mouth:  “I wanna go pee pee.”  First time in at least a week.*