I recently ordered Dr. Robert W. Sears book, The Vaccine Book. For anyone questioning whether to vaccine, which vaccine to choose, and why anyone would question vaccines, this book is for you.

Each chapter covers a vaccine, most of which cover more than one disease.

It is written in an everyday language, much like reading a blog. In fact, when exclaiming my favorite parts to my husband, he told me it sounds like my blog.

I was flattered.

Dr. Sears (son to the famous The Baby Book author) addresses each issue in a non-biased attitude, but at the end of each chapter includes a “The Way I See It” section. However, he NEVER at any time takes a tone of “You MUST take this vaccine” or “No one in their right mind would take this vaccine.”

Here’s a little background info on how Dr. Sears first started questioning vaccinations himself:

He was your typical “Don’t Question Vaccinations” doctor until an anti-vaccine friend coerced him into reading an anti-vaccine book. That book sent the good doctor to the library to research the matter more thoroughly. After thirteen years of studying this topic, he published his findings in this book, The Vaccine Book.

He understands the benefits of vaccinations.  He also understands when one vaccination is not as important as another. And, most importantly, he understands and is not afraid to inform a parent when the side effects of a vaccination outweigh the benefits. He does not judge parents who choose not to vaccinate. Rather, he tries to educate them on the risks and what they can do to protect their child without vaccinations, just like he educates those who DO vaccinate on the risks they are taking as well.

I’ve only read three chapters so far, but suffice it to say, I’m impressed. He dispels many rumors that float around here on the internet. But he’s not afraid to educate the reader on the vaccines that really are scary.

He even includes, at the end of the book, his own recommended vaccination schedule.

Anyway, I thought I would document what I learn about each vaccine, and my decision about whether or not Benjamin will be receiving that vaccine.

And because I lead such a busy life, I will set the bar real low and say in advance, I will be covering only one vaccine at a time.

I was going to write my first installment tonight, on Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease and the HIB Vaccine, but no. Benjamin woke up.

Until next time!