We are officially potty-training.

(If Olivia were awake right now, she would totally be making a puddle on the carpet.)

(Which is why I waited until she was asleep.)

On a whim, over Christmas break, I asked if she wanted to go on the potty at Grandma’s house.


When we got home, I broke out the Fancy Puppy Panties we had gotten awhile back from a friend. Olivia was thrilled beyond measure.

She will tell us when she has to go. She will go without telling us. And, I know I’m getting amazed by the small things here, but she will pull down her own underwear, and then pull them back up again.

(We still need to work on wiping.)

And to top it all off, this morning, in church, we went to pick her up from the toddler nursery and were told, “Oh, she’s in the bathroom. She told the helper she had to go potty.”

*Gaping, open-mouthed*

Now, she’s still wearing diapers for naps and nighttime. She doesn’t want to, but I told her she needs to wake up dry before we even think about moving forward in that department.

And, well, there’s something else that’s keeping us from a perfect game here.

She won’t go … “number two” in the potty. Which is ironic, considering when she was just a year old, it was the other way around. Yep, we thought we were potty training a year and a half ago. Turns out she was just amused with the concept – very short-termed amused.

Why will she do the one but not the other? Is it normal for it to go this way? Does she just not feel the urge like she does when she has to, you know, tinkle? Because that’s hard for me to believe. Maybe she prefers the standing position for that particular … movement.

I’m sure the time will come. I am being patient and trying to at least act understanding, even though I really have no clue what’s going through her mind right now. And for the most part, I really am impressed with how easy this has been.

*Cue dramatic foreshadowing music.*