Yes. You read me right. I am about to suggest to you a way to save money by GOING OUT TO EAT.

What would you consider to be a “Frugal” price to pay for a dinner that feeds 3 people (one of those being a toddler who eats as much as a Daddy when it comes to this particular meal)?

How about $6.35*?

Because that’s how much a large, one-topping pizza costs at Papa John’s when you order the carry-out special. And that’s after tax. All you have to do is call, order, specify that you want the carry-out special, then go get your pizza.

And it’s PAPA JOHN’S. My all-time, favorite pizza chain. Of all time. Ever.

This is our favorite fall-back plan when we’re headed home after a long day of, say, Christmas shopping and we (read: I) just doing feel like making anything.

For more frugal tips, check out Crystal’s site.

*Price does not include soda, pop, or coke. If you choose to purchase soda, pop, or coke, then you are forfeiting any attempt at a frugal dinner idea.

But you can, you know. I’m not your boss.