(My wallet.)

Thank you!  Your prayers have been heard!  Isn’t it wonderful to know that the Lord of hosts cares about the pitiful amount of cash I carry … and leave in random places (at Wal-Mart, by the way)?!

Maybe I left it at customer service while digging for a receipt for a return? Although the customer service desk was the first place I went after I realized it was missing. I asked them for the phone number to Kroger’s and told them I thought I had left my wallet there.  I didn’t ask them if they had found any wallets.  Maybe I should have been more forthright?

Or maybe Olivia knocked it out of the cart while digging through the diaper bag for snacks at some other point in our shopping trip?

I haven’t picked it up yet, so I suppose it still is possible that someone picked it out of my unsupervised cart, emptied it, threw it away for someone to find and turn in.

I just hope that’s not it.  Because I really would like that cash.

*Sigh*  The power of prayer!