If I have the time, I’ll come back and blog what kind of craziness has been going on since we rolled in here after midnight last night this morning.

But for now I leave you with the another video – the last you’ll see around here until DSL comes in January. (I uploaded it before we left Missouri.)

Allow me to explain the following: I did watch High School Musical, just like I said I would. I watched it 3 or 4 or 5 times. At least 2 of which were in the sing-a-long version. And I was even lucky enough to catch the sequel on television.

Suffice it to say that I like that movie. As does Olivia. I’m rather impressed, as Zac Effron does not resemble a computer-animated cucumber in any way.

What you are about to view is a video of Olivia singing “Status Quo” into a remote control. Unfortunately, I cannot show you her cuteness without also bombarding your ears with the sounds of Shannon (Josh’s sister) and me singing all-out karaoke-style in the background. We were also holding remote controls. And dancing.

And yes, we will be there, auditioning for High School Musical 3.


To participate in Meet-and-Greet Monday: Post pictures of someone you’d like to us to “meet” on your blog. It doesn’t have to be someone new each week (obviously – I post of the same two people each week). The idea is that someone new from the blogosphere will happen upon this site each Monday and we can “introduce” ourselves to them. Because this is a friendly place. Also, this is a great excuse to post pictures for the Grandmas.

Just make sure you are linking to your Meet-and-Greet post – NOT your homepage. 🙂 It just makes life easier that way. And then put a link in your post back to here so that your readers can “meet” someone new today, too!