First, make a compete disaster out of the living room floor. You might need The Daddy’s help. Go on, take some baby toys. And some toddler toys. Mix them up. Nicely done.

Then, locate your handy-dandy-never-been-used-don’t-know-why-you-have-it waste basket.

Put all the baby toys in the waste basket. Dump into the baby’s toy box.

Put all the toddler toys into the waste basket. Put the full basket next to her door. She’s asleep and will take care of these toys tomorrow morning. And by “take care of,” I mean “promptly dump out on the living room floor again.”

But for the night, the floor looks like this! And in only two trips. Works for me!

And, by the way, those are our new (used) couches that Josh didn’t want to get. He seems to be enjoying them, doesn’t he?


Come back tomorrow (Thursday) for a What I Believe post on circumcision!